Sleep Now, Pay Later with Afterpay

With the recent adoption of Afterpay, it is now possible for patients to order equipment and pay later. Afterpay allows customers to pay in up to four installments due every two weeks interest free. In order to buy equipment with this feature, customers must create an Afterpay account and select the option at checkout.

Create an Afterpay account

In order to create an Afterpay account. head over to and select “Sign Up”.

Create an Afterpay account

Upon creating an account, the Afterpay dashboard will show an estimated spending amount. This spending amount changes with payment history. Many of our CPAPs will fall within the limit for new accounts. If the cost of a mask or other additional supplies causes the order to exceed this amount, you may submit a second order for them.

Checkout with Afterpay

At checkout, select Afterpay in the Payment and Discounts section.

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After continuing through the prompts, the equipment will be ordered under an installment plan!

Learn More

For more information or help using Afterpay, please consult their help page. We hope that this new feature will make CPAP therapy and sound sleep accessible to more people!


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